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    Just because you’re well off doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be frugal

    Being careful with money is imperative in an economic climate where dividends and interest rates are low. Paying the right amount of tax and re-balancing your income can be just as effective in paying dividends. Our relentless search for ways to help our clients pay the minimum amount of tax without attracting the attention of HMRC means we attract and retain the shrewdest individuals.

    Tax planning that protects your hard earned assets by experienced professionals.
    Everything starts with a conversation. See what we can do for you.

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      60 Day Deadline for CGT Returns and Tax Payments

      If you sell a property and incur capital gains tax on the transaction, you will need to file a tax return and also pay any tax that is due within 60 days of completion, or penalties will arise. Need help with your property taxes? Talk to us.